Grammar books can generally be divided into two different types: Descriptive or Prescriptive. This article looks at the difference between them. Very simply, a descriptive grammar looks at what people actually say in real life and then lays out a series of...
Computational Linguistics
At its simplest, Computational Linguistics (or CL) is all about trying to create a computer which uses language in the same way as a human does. The Holy Grail would be a human having a conversation with a computer but thinking they were talking to a another human....
ELT Publishers
ELT Publishers article coming soon
French vs English
The English language was heavily influenced by French in the past and there is a great deal of overlap between the two languages, both in terms of vocabulary and grammar. However there are a number of major issues that French native speakers have when they learn...
Azerbaijani vs English
Azerbaijani or Azeri Turkish has over 30 million speakers based in both Azerbaijan and the surrounding countries. It's closely related to Turkish and is, to a certain extent, mutually understandable. Although there are a couple of major varieties (Northern...
How to Keep in Touch When Teaching Abroad
TEFL teachers head abroad all the time to spend a year or more teaching in a new country. During that time it's important to stay connected by phone and email and on the internet, not only to keep in touch with family and friends back home, but also to access the...
International Schools
International Schools are generally schools based in one country but which use a curriculum and teaching methods from another country. For example, in most countries of the world you will find schools which teach all subjects in English, with British teachers, with a...
Teaching English in Laos
TEFL/TESOL in Laos Laos (capital Vientiane) is the poorest and least developed country in South East Asia so it definitely is not a place for teachers who wish to earn well and put money aside. However, if what appeals to you is Laos' culture with its Buddhist...
Teaching English in Myanmar (Burma)
Do you want to teach English in Myanmar? This article looks at what you need to work as a TEFL teacher there. You'll find out about the qualifications you need, how to find work, the pay and the teaching conditions, and also a little bit about the lifestyle and...
Mandarin (Chinese)
There is not one single Chinese language as such but several varieties of Chinese which are more or less mutually understandable; the language is spoken by over 1 billion people (making is more popular than English). Of the different varieties Mandarin is the most...