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+39 347 378 8169


Teaching English in Mexico

Mexico is a beautiful country with some amazing cities. Its proximity to the USA‏‎ makes it a very popular destination for American teachers, many of whom work on tourist visas returning home periodically to have them renewed. Qualifications Along with a a degree...

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Teaching English in Peru‏‎

Peru, situated between Chile and Ecuador‏‎ and bordering the South Pacific Ocean, is a developing country with a poverty level around 45% and widespread underemployment. However, there is a growing demand for English which bodes well for TEFL opportunities there. Its...

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A concordancer is a computer program which examines a large collection of texts and then retrieves examples matching a particular search string. This is known as KWIC or keyword in context. They are particularly useful for working out patterns and examples of language...

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Verb Moods‏‎ in English Grammar

Verb Moods (sometimes known as Grammatical Mood) are ways of looking at verbs‏‎ and classifying them which show the attitude of the speaker. Traditionally verbs have three moods: the indicative, the imperative, and the subjunctive. However, some grammarians will also...

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The Etymology‏‎ of English

Etymology is the study of the history of words‏‎. It tells us when words entered a language, where they came from and how they have changed over time. Basically etymology explains what our words used to mean and how they sounded in the past. As an example take a look...

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Question the News

Question the News is a simple but effective way of exploiting news stories in your TEFL class and giving your students plenty of practice in reading comprehension and speaking and also making questions. It's very adaptable and can be used for many different kinds of...

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Interjections in English Grammar

An Interjection is a word class‏‎ which generally has no grammatical connection with the rest of the utterances around it and is used to express emotion on the part of the speaker. When written, they often have an exclamation mark to close them. The following are...

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Teaching English in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom or UK (comprising England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) is the home of English and TEFL‏‎ schools abound here catering generally for small groups of foreign students in the country for a few weeks taking a short course. There are...

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DoS – Director of Studies

DoS is an acronym standing for Director of Studies. The DoS is a member of staff in larger, more professional TEFL schools. They are responsible for administering the academic side of the school which will often mean dealing with teachers and the material used in...

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