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Simple Speaking Activities (book)‏‎

Author: Jill Hadfield; Charles Hadfield Publisher: Oxford University Press Details: Paperback; 80 pages; Pub. 1999 ISBN: 0194421694   This book contains 30 activities at elementary level, complete with ideas for boardwork and pictures teachers can copy. All the...

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Spelling in English Writing

Spelling is the order in which letters are put to make up words. Many languages have phonetic spelling, in other words, each letter represents a certain sound, however in English this is not the case. An English letter can have many different sounds. For example, the...

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Penny Ur‏‎

Penny Ur is a renowned ELT‏‎ expert, author and teacher trainer. She was educated in the UK and earned her first MA at Oxford University. She then studied for her PGCE‏‎ at Cambridge University and later got her MA TEFL at Reading university. In 1967 she emigrated to...

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ESL – English as a Second Language

ESL is an acronym‏‎ for English as a Second Language. ESL students are people learning English as a second language, that is, as another language after their mother tongue‏‎ or primary language. ESL programs are mainly for people living in an English speaking country,...

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What is Collocation‏‎?

The more you use language, the more you realise that certain words tend to hang around together like best friends forever. For example, if you have a decent knowledge of English you can probably guess the missing words here: a foregone __________ New Year!a _____...

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Direct Method‏‎ in TEFL

The direct method was born out of a need for a more intuitive approach to language learning. Supporters of the DM maintained that language learning was more than the learning of grammar‏‎ rules and that learning a language could not be based only on one's translation...

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Email in the TEFL/TESOL Classroom‏‎

I'm an online English teacher here's an idea I'm experimenting with. I've got 3 online students I teach. One is in China, the second in Poland‏‎ and the third in Italy. Until last week they'd never even heard about each other, they'd just dealt with me online (sending...

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Period / Full Stop

A Period (AmE) or Full Stop (BrE) is a punctuation‏‎ mark placed at the end of a sentence‏‎. The symbol itself comes from Aristophanes of Byzantium who invented the system of punctuation where the height of placement of a dot on the line determined its meaning. A dot...

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Exclamation Marks!

An Exclamation Mark or ! is a punctuation‏‎ symbol used at the end of a sentence‏‎ to denote strong feeling: surprise, anger, exuberance: I love you! Get out! I won! It is sometimes known as a bang, a screamer, a shriek, a slammer, a startler, or a pling. Some...

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