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+01 424 645 5957

+39 347 378 8169


Truth and Lies

Truth and Lies is a simple game which gives students practice making basic statements and also in speaking. It is good for beginner‎ level students. Step 1 Each student begins by working on their own. They simply write down 3 statements about themself: one is false...

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TEFL Coursebooks

Coursebooks are extensively used in the TEFL‏‎ classroom and also big business with the ELT publishing industry worth billions every year who churn out books by the dozen to make money. There are many different coursebooks available to the teacher, however it must...

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New Zealand English‏‎

New Zealand English (NZE) is a variety of English which is close to Australian English in pronunciation but has several subtle differences often overlooked by people from outside these countries. Some of these differences show New Zealand English to have more affinity...

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Stephen Krashen

Professor emeritus at the University of Southern California. Krashen is a linguist, an educational researcher, and an activist. Krashen has contributed to the fields of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), Bilingual Education, and Reading. He is credited with...

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Celebrity Chat‏‎

Celebrity Chat is a simple game you can play with classes of all ages and levels from beginners‏‎ up to advanced. It helps practice speaking‏‎ and listening‏‎. Activity Preparation First prepare a set of flashcards‏ and on each one write the name of a famous celebrity...

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Shy Students‏‎ in your Class

Shy Students can be found in almost any class. This article looks at ways of bringing shy students into the learning process and getting them to participate more in the class. In general, shyness brings on feelings of apprehension and anxiety when a student is placed...

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Step Up to IELTS (book)‏‎

This book introduces IELTS‏‎ and how to teach it. It covers essential exam skills and language for IELTS in approximately 60 hours of teaching time, and familiarises students quickly with the exam. The course covers both the Academic and General Training modules. It...

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Just the Facts‏‎

Just the Facts is a simple game where students practice speaking‏‎ and listening‏‎. It's fun, too, and can be used as a warm up activity to introduce a particular topic in the lesson. If done in this way, it will also help introduce students to a new area of study and...

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Comparison Phrases‏‎ in English

To compare different things, we can use a number of different Comparison Phrases. Equality/Inequality {as} + {adjective/adverb} + {as} He is as tall as me. They work as slowly as I do. In positive sentences we can use as...as, in negative sentences we use as...as or...

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