Conditional Links is a very simple activity with no preparation needed; it's ideal to practice conditionals and can be used as a quick filler to do just that. Simply write up on the board the first clause of any conditional, e.g. If I won the lottery... Choose a...
Teaching English in Malta
Malta is a small group of islands about 80km south of Italy; it is one of the world's smallest states and also one of the most densely populated with about 370,000 inhabitants. It is part of the European Union and so teachers wanting to work there stand a much...
Lesson Preparation
How to prepare (not plan) a lesson. This involves making sure all the materials and handouts are ready and that extra material is on hand. See TEFL Lesson Planning.
Badger vs Baboon – comparison activity
Badger vs Baboon is a fun game for young learners which can also be adapted for older learners as well! It helps with basic vocabulary for animals and can encourage speaking. It also is very useful indeed for practicing comparatives. Preparation Cut out and...
Superlative Millionaire
Superlative Millionaire is a game you can play with your class to practice superlatives. Everyone knows the Who Wants to be a Millionaire game; this is a variation on that idea; it requires very little preparation on your part as the students themselves will be...
Till vs Until vs ‘Til
Till and Until are synonyms. They are both prepositions of time and refer to a period of time leading up to a specific time. I worked for the bank from 1989 until 1994. We were happily married till I discovered she was having an affair. In both these examples we...
Ladybugs, Tornadoes, and Swirling Galaxies
Author: Brad Buhrow ; Anne Upczak Garcia Publisher: Stenhouse Publishers Details: Paperback; 187 pages; Pub.2006 ISBN: 1571104003 This book aims to help English language learners discover their world through inquiry. It rests on the idea that content comprehension...
TESOL France
TESOL France is a non-profit organization of teachers of English in France run entirely by volunteers. Its purposes are to stimulate professional development disseminate information about research, books and other materials related to English strengthen instruction...
Country vs Countries vs Countryside
This is the vocabulary which often causes problems with learners: words which look pretty much the same and which most logical people would regard as closely related, but then when you look into it a little more, they're all over the place! Let's start with Country...
One Word Speeches – skills activity
One Word Speeches is a very simple activity which needs very little preparation but which is highly effective in giving your students practice in all four skills, especially listening and speaking. It is very flexible and in different forms it works for both beginners...