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+39 347 378 8169


Lyric Lineup – listening activity

Lyric Lineup is a fun game for young learners. It's useful to practice listening‏‎ in TEFL. Preparation First choose a song suitable for the class. This means it needs to be the correct level‏‎ in terms of vocabulary and grammar and also suitable subject matter. For...

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Among vs Amongst‏‎

There is no difference in meaning between among and amongst - these two words can be used interchangeably. However, amongst is less common in everyday use than among and is considered slightly more educated. In spoken American English‏‎ among tends to be used almost...

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Materials & Materials Writing

Materials is a general term to describe the TEFL coursebooks‏‎ and exercises used in teaching English. The author of such is known as a Materials Writer. Materials can include: exercise books grammar books videos various exercises & activities listening tapes...

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Find the Comparative‏‎

Find the Comparative is a good activity for your class to practice making comparative sentences. It's best used as an activity for pairs or small groups. Preparation Begin by making a series of cards. On each one write a pair of words which are related somehow; they...

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Teaching English in Sudan‏‎

Sudan is in north-east Africa with the Nile river dividing it east to west. It is an ancient country with a population of about 45 million. Note that In 2011 the southern part of the country gained independence as South Sudan which is now a separate country. In recent...

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Irregular Threes‏‎

Irregular Threes is a quick game to practice and remember Irregular Verbs- it's ideal for a younger class: it's noisy, chaotic, energetic and great fun, too! (There are some quieter versions of this game at the bottom of the page, however!) Running the Game Firstly go...

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