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+39 347 378 8169


Teaching English in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a small country on the island of Hispaniola which it shares with Haiti. It is the second largest Caribbean country (after Cuba‏‎) with a population of around 10 million people with Spanish being the native language. Qualifications & Pay...

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Teaching English in Haiti

TEFL/TESOL in Haiti Haiti is mostly known for a history of political instability and more recently the 2010 earthquake, but there is still a thriving industry of English teaching and there are certainly jobs to be found there for the right kind of TEFL‏‎ teacher. The...

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Homestay TEFL Tutors

Homestay is when students spend time studying at a school abroad but rather than live on campus or in a hostel, stay with a local host family where - it is hoped - they will learn more English. Homestays are most popular in English speaking countries: the UK, US,...

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TESL Canada

TESL Canada is a national federation of teachers based in Canada‏‎. They are a well respected organization who have, amongst other things, developed a set of minimum standards for training teachers working in Canada. Programs which meet these standards are recognized...

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Music in the TEFL/TESOL Classroom

Songs and Music are great tools to use in the TEFL‏‎ classroom. Everyone likes listening to music and the right song can not only be fun for the students (and the teacher) but also be used in an effective way to teach. Popular song lyrics are often very simple and...

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Lexical Verbs in English Grammar

Lexical Verbs are basically the main verb‏‎ in a sentence. They carry some kind of real-world meaning and are sometimes actually known as the main verb: You laughed. I ran. They are basically an open-class of verbs; in other words, we can add new verbs to this...

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Direct & Indirect Questions in English

We can ask a direct question: What time is it? Or, if we want to be more formal or polite, we can ask an indirect question: Do you know what time it is? We make an indirect question by using a phrase and then a statement. Note that even though this is a question, we...

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Politecnico di Milano – in English

I was reading today that the Politecnico di Milano in Italy‏‎ is changing to an English-speaking university only. Quite a remarkable move considering the level of English penetration within Italy. This is a country, after all, which is in the bottom third of English...

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