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+39 347 378 8169


The Word Which Unites the World!

Q: Which word unites the world? A: Huh? In English we say, Hello, and in Italian they say, Ciao, and in Greek they say, Gia, and on and on. Even the universal act of greeting has a thousand different forms in a thousand different languages. But Dutch researchers have...

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How to Cite Online Sources

We often get asked if users can quote parts of our resource library in their own work. This page explains how you can do this and more generally, how any online source can be cited in your work. Quoting ICAL TEFL Resources The resources on this site are free to use....

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Personal Websites for TEFL Teachers

More and more these days we're asked about websites for teachers. Are they a good idea? Do they work? Why are they necessary? This article looks at why teachers might need a website, what you can do with your website and then how to create it. And no special computer...

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Christian Teachers for Thailand

The Church of Christ Thailand have signed a memorandum of understanding to recruit English teachers from the Nagaland Mission Movement based in northern India. According to CCT the need for English teachers is paramount. To overcome the shortage they will hire...

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Can we trust the English First Rankings?

English First (EF) have just released their EPI or English Proficiency Index. Essentially it is an analysis of English language ability in countries around the world. But how truthful is it? After just a quick look there are some real concerns that what they've done...

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English Teachers PD in Afghanistan

The Afghan government has signed a major deal with the British Council in Afghanistan to begin training over 16,000 teachers in the country. This is designed to help facilitate the country's move towards offering an English language university curriculum. “We are very...

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