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Definite Article‏‎s in English Grammar

What is the Definite Article? We use the definite article - the - when we talk about a noun which refers to a particular member of a a group. In other words, we use the definite article to talk about a specific noun from a group. In this example the group is all men;...

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Cover Letters for TEFL Job Applications

When you apply for a job teaching English, along with your TEFL/TESOL CV/Résumé you will also need to send a Cover Letter or email. Remember that the cover letter is the first and best chance to make a good impression so it should be the best you can create. A...

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The English Alphabet‏‎

The English Alphabet contains 26 letters. These can be divided into vowels and consonants‏‎. The vowels are: a,e,i,o,u The consonants are: b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z Every word has at least one vowel sound. When we write them, however, some words do not...

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Teaching English in Italy

Italy is one of the most popular destinations in Europe for TEFL teachers. It offers beautiful landscapes, clean and well presented cities plus almost unrivaled heritage and a wealth of cultural history. Thousands of foreign TEFL teachers work in Italy and this...

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Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?

In general, the Present Perfect Simple‏‎ (PPS) is used to talk about an event which happened in the past but which has a very strong connection to the present: I have just finished laying the table so we can eat soon. The Present Perfect Continuous‏‎ (PPC) on the...

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TEFL Methodologies

TEFL Teaching Methodology looks at the general approaches or methods used to teach English‏‎ as a foreign language. Over time they have changed and borrowed from research, developed from each other and expanded on previous methodologies. As you will see below, many of...

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Comparatives and Superlatives in English

When we want to compare two or more nouns, adjectives‏‎ or adverbs‏‎ we use the comparative and superlative forms. Grammatically the main difference is between comparing 2 items or comparing more than 2 items. Comparing 2 Items To compare two items, we use the...

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All Tied Up

All Tied Up is a simple but fun activity to practice intense, careful listening. The basic idea here is that you give instructions on how to tie a tie. The students must listen very carefully! To run this activity all you need is a tie and a set of instructions; make...

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