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Teaching English in Afghanistan‏‎

Country Guides

Students waiting for their English class in Afghanistan.TEFL/TESOL in Afghanistan

Although English used to be shunned by the Taliban in Afghanistan, it is now the language of choice for a growing number of foreign language schools springing up in a climate of more tolerance in the country. In many schools English is taught from the fourth grade and Kabul University has a dedicated English department.

It is recognized that in order to succeed internationally, English is necessary but also with the influx of foreign concerns there is a need for English too for liaison with businesses as well as NGOs.

Typical qualifications are a degree and a TEFL Certificate such as the ICAL TEFL Certificate and government sponsored schemes will usually ask for these; however if you find a job privately (especially if you are in Afghanistan already) you may well be able to forgo the degree although be sure to have some English teacher training before you go.

Getting a visa and work permits is awkward; however if you secure a job before you go then the school will be able to help out with this. It will take time though so give yourself a good couple of months to arrange this side of things.

Salaries are fairly low – up to about [currconvert base_curr=”USD” base_amount=”1000″] per month, but of course the cost of living is likewise very low.

Schools tend to be poorly resourced, however this is often offset by the friendliness and willingness to learn shown by local Afghan students. Without doubt teachers in Afghanistan are making major contributions to rebuilding the country and should be applauded. The country has a rich cultural heritage and students are often very enthusiastic to share this with their foreign teachers; you can do much worse than base a lesson plan around traditional stories and tales from Afghan history.

There are also some opportunities at the British Council‏‎ and the International Schools in Kabul which pay more – with experienced and qualified teachers up to about [currconvert base_curr=”USD” base_amount=”2500″] per month.

In November 2013, the British Council signed an agreement to begin training over 16,000 teachers in the country.

Volunteering in Afghanistan

On the other hand you may decide to volunteer in Afghanistan; if this is the case then be sure to use a  registered and reliable volunteer agency‏‎ and not to pay for your time there. If you are already living in Afghanistan there are several volunteer organizations who are helping and teaching just a few hours a week can make a major difference.

Volunteering positions in Afghanistan can be short term for as little as a few weeks. A relatively new option is also to teach online to Afghan students.

Security & Safety

Security and safety is obviously a concern but the major cities are relatively safe and getting safer. However, bear in mind that in July 2011 the British Council offices in Kabul were stormed by the Taliban leaving 12 dead.

Before setting out for Afghanistan you should be sure to contact your national government and look carefully at the situation there; many US and UK teachers are put off because of the current situation but teachers from other nationalities do certainly work there.

The US Embassy in Kabul sponsors a number of initiatives to help the spread of English including teaching programs for local teachers. A number of military personnel stationed in Afghanistan are also involved in teaching English to local people so this might be an option for military or former military personnel.

Useful Links

Afghan Jobs – a job site for Afghanistan; there are sometimes teaching jobs here for local schools

SOLA – volunteer teachers (already resident in Afghanistan) to teach women in Kabul

Afghans4Tomorrow – a volunteer agency teaching in Afghanistan

Image © isafmedia

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  1. Genevieve

    Hi, I would love to work for you, but don’t know how to make that happen. I worked as a teacher abroad from Canada for years. First I worked in Japan via the JET program, then I returned to Canada for a bit to teach English. I then went to England for a few years. Through that, I was able to meet children with various backgrounds and stories. I was able to connect my own culture ‘Aboriginal’ culture to theirs. It was a beautiful thing. Then, I returned to Canada, where I currently stay. I feel I can do a lot for you as a decent teacher who does not judge, who will take a student as they are, who will help with hiring school personnel with every single need they have. I feel teaching is about need. And right now, you could use someone like me. I know I’m a great teacher, just ask my previous and current boss. He’d be sorry to see me go. My references will back that up also! Kind, original, cultural, able to adapt, able to see other points of view. If you are interested in my good service, please contact me at [personal info removed – ed].

  2. icaltefl

    Your best bet would be to contact those organizations listed at the end of the article, Genevieve. They will be able thelp.