Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia and is one of the world’s youngest republics. It is bordered to the north by the China, and to the south, east, and west by India. Kathmandu is the nation’s capital and the country’s largest city (about 2 million). The country itself has a population of about 30 million.
Almost 100 different languages are spoken in Nepal with Nepali being spoken as a Mother Tongue by about half of the people. English is quite common in the major cities and tourist destinations. Hinduism is the most common religion (80%) with Buddhism (10%) the next most popular.
Tourism is the most important industry in the country and hence the need to learn in English is quite high.
Forty percent of the population live below the poverty line so if you are thinking of going there, an openness to a new way of life is an advantage!
Teaching English
Many schools lack decent funding and well qualified teachers are a rare commodity, hence qualifications such as the ICAL TEFL Certificate help greatly to get work.
The demand for teachers is high at both state and private schools.
Finding Work
Although many organisations offer TEFL Volunteering work in Nepal this costs a great deal and there are some whose reputation is not as good as it could be. Check carefully if you go down this route.
Because Nepal does not have a huge internet penetration, many jobs are not advertised online. In fact, one way to get work is to appear in person at a school. This being said, it obviously carries a risk that you will arrive, spend some time looking and then not find work. One solution is to take a look at China next door. Work there is plentiful and easily found so you could try Nepal for a few weeks and then – if money is getting tight and the need for a job getting stronger – move next door for work.
The British Council has offices in Nepal and also conducts IELTS examinations in various locations throughout the country and if you are well qualified can help.