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Teaching English in Azerbaijan‏‎

TEFL/TESOL in Azerbaijan Since independence from Russia, Azerbaijan has been keen to assert its own identity and anxious to learn English‏‎ to engage with the West. In addition, the recent oil boom means that the country has moved a long way in a short space of time....

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Slang in TEFL

Slang is the use of informal words‏‎ and expressions to describe something or someone. Slang is vocabulary‏‎ that is meant to be interpreted quickly but not necessarily literally. Slang changes fast; here are examples of current 2015 slang which, could well be out of...

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Exam Nerves‏‎

This is an article about Exam Nerves. You can print this out and use it with your class when they're coming close to take an exam. Give a copy to each student so they can read it through at their leisure and prepare themselves. What are Exam Nerves? Some student get...

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Hard then Soft in the TEFL Classroom

Hard then Soft is a general technique in classroom management which allows your classes to be productive and useful. Using this technique you do not end up with a classroom out of control and students being noisy and disrespecting their teacher. It is based on the...

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Verbs of Perception in English Grammar

Verbs of Perception refer to those verbs‏‎ which are used to talk about sensing: see/look/watch/notice/observe hear/listen to taste smell touch/feel sense in general These verbs can be used in different ways and have certain grammatical conditions attached to them....

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Arabic vs English

Arabic is spoken in various forms by more than 250 million people as a mother tongue‏‎ throughout the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. Because there are strong regional variations in Arabic, the notes below will not necessarily apply to all Arabic speakers....

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