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Learner English‏‎ (book)

Author: Michael Swan; Bernard Smith Publisher: Cambridge University Press Details: paperback; 378 pages; 2 Edition, 2001 ISBN: 0521779391 With a subtitle that says it all: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and other Problems, this practical guide compares the relevant...

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How to Teach English (book)‏‎

Author: Jeremy Harmer Publisher: Pearson ESL Details: Paperback; 288 pages; 2nd Ed.; Pub. 2007 ISBN: 1405853093 This book, complete with DVD, has hints and tips to help with facing the hurdles of being a trainee. From difficult lessons (and students) to actual class...

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Aspect‏‎ in English Grammar

Aspect describes how a speaker feels about the action they are describing. In English there are generally accepted to be 3 aspects and they change how the verb‏‎ is formed: simple (aka indefinite) continuous (aka progressive) perfect A Simple Example To take an...

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Teaching English in Hong Kong

TEFL in Hong Kong Hong Kong is a thriving metropolis and officially part of China. It was ruled for many years by the British and this, combined with its status as a major port, makes English an important language there. The opportunities for TEFL teachers are great...

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Business English‏‎

Business English is English as it is used in the business workplace. Business English focuses on business phrases and typical workplace vocabulary in the context of language functions such as: negotiations, telephone conversations, interviews, presentations, meetings,...

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