Macedonia (FYROM or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) became independent in 1991. It is a landlocked country bordered by Kosova, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece (with whom it has strained relations, partly due to a dispute over its name). The largest city and...
OHPs or Overhead Projectors
OHP stands for Overhead Projector. This is a device for displaying a page from a book or a transparency enlarged on a wall for all the class to see. These days it has largely been replaced by interactive whiteboards although many schools still employ their use,...
Everything Off in your English Language Classroom
Students, especially young ones, are easily distracted. And sometimes, especially with bigger classes, while you are standing at the front talking, the students at the back are reading a book, doing their homework, doodling or otherwise not listening to you. This is a...
Traffic Lights in English Language Teaching
Traffic Lights is a way of understanding if your students are with you in a lesson or if they're having problems understanding what is going on. Background During a class there are times when students have not understood what you are saying and are beginning to lag...
Macmillan ELT
Macmillan is one of the world’s leading publishers of English Language teaching and school curriculum materials, with over 150 years of publishing experience. Based in Oxford, UK, and operating in over 40 countries worldwide, the Macmillan Publishers work with...
Teaching English in Slovakia
Slovakia is in Eastern Europe. It is a relatively new state coming into existence in 1993 with the break-up of the former Czechoslovakia. Having said this, the Slovak people have lived in this area under one rule or another for over 1,500 years. In 2010 the government...
Scott G. Thornbury
He has been working in the private EFL sector as teacher, director of studies, school director and teacher trainer for many years. He now lives in Spain but his previous experience includes teaching and training in the UK and in his native New Zealand. Teacher...
Eccentric Traits
Eccentric Traits is a really fun way to practice close listening and speaking. It's also very funny and can be used for all learner levels although it's probably most suited to more advanced classes. Basically everyone in the class is given an eccentric trait....
Lining Up
Lining Up in Alphabetical Order is a great ice breaker for a brand new class who don't know each other yet. It's best with younger classes, post-beginner level and, as a side-effect, it can also help you in remembering student names. Five minutes into the first...
Vocabulary Poker – vocabulary activity
Vocabulary Poker is a great game for practicing vocabulary and semantic fields. It's easy to play and great fun for the students. Although it can be played by beginners, it's probably best for intermediate and advanced students. NB in some countries it may be...