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+39 347 378 8169


Teaching English in Tanzania‏‎

TEFL/TESOL in Tanzania Although Swahili is the de facto official language, with its history as an British colony Tanzania has a strong English presence and the language is the official language of the courts and higher education, for example. However Children will...

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Intermediate Level Students in English

Defining a student as intermediate is a very approximate classification of how well they speak English. There is no set definition of what intermediate means, however as a very rough guide students at intermediate level‎ can talk and read about a wide number of...

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Random Stories‏‎

Random Stories is a good activity for letting your students use their imagination and exercising all the skills. Preparation Cut out a large selection of random, unrelated objects from magazines. It's a good idea to make flashcards out of these so you can build up a...

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If I Were – conditional activity

If I were? is a simple activity to practice the second conditional‏‎ and it can, with some adaptation, also be used to practice other conditionals‏‎ forms. Preparation Prepare a few flashcards‏‎ on which you have the name of someone or something which would fit in...

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Lawyer Talking‏‎

Lawyer Talking is a simple activity which allows students to practice making questions and then using the third person. With a small adaptation it can also be used to practice reported speech. In Class Preparation Get the class into pairs and have them write up 3 or 4...

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Price Comparison‏‎ (CALL Activity)

Price Comparison is a simple activity designed for all levels‏‎ of class from beginners‏‎ to advanced and from General English‏‎ to Business English‏‎, teenagers to adults. It can be used to practice skimming‏‎ as well as reading for specifics. Best done as a CALL‏‎...

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What’s Missing?‏‎

What's Missing? is a very simple extra activity you can play with any set of flashcards you use. Quite simply, whenever you use flashcards in class, save this for a quick 5 minute activity at the end just go over the vocabulary you've been practicing. It requires no...

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