TEFL/TESOL in Tanzania Although Swahili is the de facto official language, with its history as an British colony Tanzania has a strong English presence and the language is the official language of the courts and higher education, for example. However Children will...
Intermediate Level Students in English
Defining a student as intermediate is a very approximate classification of how well they speak English. There is no set definition of what intermediate means, however as a very rough guide students at intermediate level can talk and read about a wide number of...
Sticky Fingers – is a noun countable or non-countable?
Sticky Fingers is a simple way to demonstrate to your class whether a noun is countable or non-countable. The idea here is that you begin by telling your class whether a noun is countable or non-countable. Then you have a visual sign for this along with telling them....
Random Stories
Random Stories is a good activity for letting your students use their imagination and exercising all the skills. Preparation Cut out a large selection of random, unrelated objects from magazines. It's a good idea to make flashcards out of these so you can build up a...
Taking a Teacher Training Course
Taking a TEFL or TESOL Teacher Training Course is part and parcel of training to teach English. Thousands of potential teachers take a short TEFL Course and this article offers some basic advice on how to approach the course and how to get the most out of it....
Unique People – present perfect simple activity
Unique People is a game to practice the present perfect simple verb form. Firstly you'll need to make sure your class are familiar with the Present Perfect Simple verb form, both formation and usage. Ideally the game can be played after teaching the it and can be used...
If I Were – conditional activity
If I were? is a simple activity to practice the second conditional and it can, with some adaptation, also be used to practice other conditionals forms. Preparation Prepare a few flashcards on which you have the name of someone or something which would fit in...
Lawyer Talking
Lawyer Talking is a simple activity which allows students to practice making questions and then using the third person. With a small adaptation it can also be used to practice reported speech. In Class Preparation Get the class into pairs and have them write up 3 or 4...
Price Comparison (CALL Activity)
Price Comparison is a simple activity designed for all levels of class from beginners to advanced and from General English to Business English, teenagers to adults. It can be used to practice skimming as well as reading for specifics. Best done as a CALL...
What’s Missing?
What's Missing? is a very simple extra activity you can play with any set of flashcards you use. Quite simply, whenever you use flashcards in class, save this for a quick 5 minute activity at the end just go over the vocabulary you've been practicing. It requires no...