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+39 347 378 8169


MemoryLifter‏‎ (CALL Software)

MemoryLifter is a freeware program which displays flashcards. Although it's not specifically for English, there are English modules and you can create your own set of materials for your students allowing them to study and learn the items appropriate for their level...

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Backpacker Teachers in TEFL

Backpacker Teachers is a derogatory term for unqualified, casual teachers who take on a job teaching English‏‎ because they happen to speak English and need the money while they are, generally, backpacking around a country. History Some 30 years ago there was a...

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IATEFL is the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. It is a respected organization set up in the UK in 1967. It brings together over 4,000 teachers & administrators, writers, publishers and other professionals involved in teaching...

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Sweet Incentives in TEFL Teaching

Many teachers like to use Sweets or Candy as Incentives for their students, especially with younger classes. TEFL teachers heading abroad will often fill their bag with candy from back home not only to motivate their class but also offer a little bit of cultural input...

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