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Adverbs of Time in English Grammar

Adverbs of Time are those adverbs which tell us when something happened. For example: now, then, later, yesterday, today, tonight, tomorrow, etc. Position The position of a typical adverb of time within a sentence varies according to the relevance the speaker wants to...

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Berlitz is the brand name of a well-known chain of English language schools. From its humble beginnings in Rhode Island in 1878, the company has become a global corporation with both company-owned and franchised locations in more than 70 countries, and revenues of...

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Monolingualism is knowing and using just one language. This language will be the speaker's mother tongue‏‎. Contrast this with bilingualism. where someone knows and uses 2 languages as mother tongues and also multilingualism‏‎ where someone has more than 2 languages...

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Past Tense in English Grammar

The Past Tense is used - as you can probably guess - to talk about the past. There are several different verb forms we can use to talk about the past. This article briefly explains them and links to fuller articles on each. Past Simple The Past Simple is used most...

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Japanese vs English

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by about 125 million speakers, primarily in Japan, where it is the national language. According to recent research by the FSI Japanese is the hardest language for English speakers to learn and, presumably, Japanese speakers...

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Tony Buzan

Born in London in 1942, Tony Buzan is the originator of mind mapping and one of the pioneers of the "Brain science". He topped his education with a double Honours in Psychology, English, Mathematics and the General Sciences from the University of British Columbia in...

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Use Both Sides of Your Brain (book)

Although the first edition of this book was written in 1974, it is still considered as an ideal presentation of the "modern approach" to mind mapping. Use Both Sides of Your Brain: New Mind-Mapping Techniques uses the latest research on the workings of the human...

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