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+39 347 378 8169


ESL Bingo‏‎

This activity is to practice expressing likes and dislikes. The principle can be adapted, however, to practice almost any language item. The game is best suited to medium to large groups of students. The objective is for each student to fill in a row of their bingo...

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Cloze or Gap Fill Tests

A cloze test (or gap fill exercise) is a simple exercise where a text has certain words removed and students must suggest suitable alternatives to go in the gap. Cloze tests are a common activity teachers use to get students to focus on a particular language item....

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Adverbs in English Grammar

Adverbs are known as a kind of 'catch-all' class of words‏‎ in English‏‎ and there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. To begin with, however, we can say that adverbs give us more information about other words and clarify usage. Adverbs can give us more...

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Modal Verbs in English

Modal verbs are used to express ideas such as ability, necessity, permission, and possibility. There are not many modal verbs: can, could, dare*, need*, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would. There are also modal constructions: be able to, ought to, be allowed...

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Learner Levels in TEFL

TEFL/TESOL teachers talk about students being Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and so on. But what does that really mean? There is no single method used to describe the learner level of an English‏‎ speaker, however this article will provide a rough idea of how to...

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Verb Tenses‏‎ & Forms in English Grammar

Note: descriptions of verb forms and tenses vary. Here we present a simple overview of the tenses and forms of English which is useful for the classroom. In grammar a tense (from the Latin tempus) is a form of a verb‎ used to indicate roughly the time when the action...

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Your TEFL CV/Resume

A TEFL Résumé or CV (Curriculum Vitae) is critical in helping you find work. It is likely to be the first contact between you and a potential employer and thus is it extremely important that it looks good and is laid out properly. There are 2 main ways to write a TEFL...

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