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+39 347 378 8169


Auxiliary Verbs in English Grammar

Auxiliary Verbs (from the Latin auxilio = to help; they are also known as helping verbs) are verbs‏‎ used to change the tense, form‏‎ mood and voice of other verbs. In other words, we add an auxiliary to a verb to turn it into a question, to put it into the past, to...

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Classroom Focus in TEFL

Classroom Focus is concerned with who is the main focus of teaching in the classroom. Essentially there are two possible foci: the teacher - the class is Teacher Centered the students - the class is Student Centered Traditionally classes have been Teacher Centered...

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Past Continuous in English Grammar

The Past Continuous (also called the Past Progressive) is used in several different ways: interrupted actions in the past parallel actions in the past It is used to reference a continuous (long-term) action in the past: They were kissing when we walked in. He was...

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Karaoke in the TEFL Classroom

The word Karaoke means empty orchestra from the Japanese Kara = empty and Oke (short for Okesutora) = orchestra. Karaoke tracks are without lead vocals. The lead vocals are provided by the performer singing the Karaoke song through a microphone. The song is played in...

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Conjunctions‏‎ In English Grammar

A conjunction (also known as connector or joiner) is a word used to join words‏‎, phrases‏‎, or clauses‏‎ together to show their relationship in a sentence. There are 3 main types of conjunctions in English. Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating conjunctions always...

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What is a Clause?

We all know what a sentence is. But it's useful to break a sentence down and talk about Clauses as well when you're teaching English. These are, essentially, the building blocks of sentences and each sentence contains one or more clauses. a sentence = one or more...

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Phrasal Verbs‏‎ in English

A phrasal verb is a verb‏‎ and preposition which together mean something different from the individual parts. For example: The little boy was racing along the corridor when he ran into his teacher. In this example the boy was running and he literally ran into his...

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