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Modals – Necessity‏‎

To express degrees of necessity we can use various modal verbs. 100% Necessity You must leave straight away. You have [got] to leave straight away. must is used when the necessity is dictated by the speaker's authority. have [got] to is used when the necessity is...

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Noun Phrases‏‎ in English Grammar

When we use nouns, we often use them with one or more other words to make a noun phrase. A noun phrase therefore is a group of words which contains a noun and one or more words that describe it further. Very often we put a determiner‏‎ in front of the noun to make a...

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What is Phonetics‏‎?

Phonetics is the branch of linguistics‏‎ which studies the sounds of speech and they way in which they are interpreted. Contrast this with phonology‏‎ which is the study of the sound system of a language. Phonetics looks at the way in which sounds are produced (the...

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TEFL Syllabus

The Syllabus is the outline of language to be taught to a class over a particular course (term, semester, etc). It can be seen as a step in the hierarchy of learning and teaching English‏‎. At best it will be designed by the school Director of Studies; at worst there...

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