Blog Category: Finding TEFL Jobs

What to Take With You when Teaching Abroad

What to Take With You is a checklist of what you should pack when you are heading off to a new job, possibly a new country. It isn't exhaustive, of course, and many of the items below you'll want to leave out, but it's a good start. Medicines, Drugs & Hygiene...

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Insurance‏‎ & Health Cover for Teachers Abroad

Insurance/Health Cover is a very important issue, but also a personal one. Some TEFL‏‎ teachers will not travel without, other teachers don't even think about the idea. This article looks at different sorts of insurances you might want to consider before heading...

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Shane English School‏‎

Shane English School (SES) is a chain of schools operating in Asia. The school originally started in Japan and came about after an English teacher, Shane Lipscombe found he had too many private students and thus set up a school to deal with them all. Since then it has...

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Tattoos‏‎ and English Teachers Abroad

The attitude towards teachers with tattoos varies according to country and school. Even in the west where tattoos are fairly common, school owners will often look down on teachers sporting obvious tattoos. In many countries tattoos were often used in the past as...

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Fake TEFL Certificates‏‎

Fake TEFL or TESOL Certificates are a fact of life. This article explores why they exist, where they come from, ways in which they are being used and methods by which legitimate companies are combating their use. (PS click here if you need to get a genuine TEFL...

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Visas for TEFL Teachers Abroad

Quite simply a visa is a document stating that a person is authorized to enter the country or territory for which it was issued. If you intend to go abroad to teach depending on where you go and your nationality you may or may not need a visa to enter the country and...

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Passports & TEFL Teachers

Your Passport is arguably the most valuable document you possess whilst living and working abroad and it should be carefully handled. This article offers some good, sensible advice regarding handling and using your passport. As a general rule never send your passport...

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TEFL Teacher Portfolios

A Teaching Portfolio (sometimes also called a Teaching Dossier or Teaching Profile) is a valuable tool used by TEFL teachers to document who they are, what kind of teacher they are and what they have achieved. It's also a great tool to help you get that TEFL job!...

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Split Shifts and Teaching English Abroad

Split shifts happen fairly often in schools that teach English. Most commonly it means you have to work for a few hours in the morning, then take a long break, and then start work again in the evening. First you should check your teaching contract before you sign it...

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The DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) is an advanced qualification run by Cambridge Assessment‏‎ (formerly UCLES) for teachers. It was formerly known as the DTEFLA or the RSA Diploma. The DELTA is for teachers with several years experience...

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Japan – JET English Teaching Program

The JET program or Japan Exchange and Teaching program is a teaching and exchange program which has been running since 1987. It allows foreign teachers to come and work in Japan as TEFL teachers. It grew quickly and in 2002 at its peak over 6,000 teachers came to...

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The Academic Year for TEFL Teachers Abroad

The Academic Year is when a school or learning institute is open for business. In many countries this is from September/October to the following May/June. In some countries in the Southern Hemisphere, the academic year runs from February/March to November/December....

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Personal Safety when Teaching Abroad

Personal Safety is often a concern of teachers heading abroad for the first time. This article looks at the facts about personal safety abroad. Misconceptions It's often the case that people think the situation is worse abroad. It's the fear of the unknown plus...

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Spain‏‎ – CAPS

CAPS (Conversation Assistant for Spanish Schools) is a privately run program placing teachers in Spain for 3 - 6 months to work as au-pairs and also teaching assistants in primary or secondary schools. Candidates for the programme are: 18 - 27 years old have A levels...

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TEFL Employment Agents (Recruiters)

This article is all about using a TEFL Employment Agent or Recruiters to find work in a country. Essentially an Agent is an individual or organization which matches up teachers and schools. They approach schools and promise to find them English‏‎ teachers for a fee....

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Disney English‏‎

Disney English is a chain of English schools in China operating under the aegis of the Walt Disney Company in the US. When the first schools opened a number of non-affiliated schools using the Disney name were shut down. The first school opened in Shanghai in 2008 and...

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Where to Teach English as a Foreign Language

Where to Teach is one of the key questions asked by newly qualified teachers as well as experienced teachers who are looking for a change. On the plus side teaching English happens in pretty much every single country in the world so there are jobs available almost...

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Apostilles in TEFL

An Apostille is an official stamp or note that guarantees a document is original and genuine. For example, a teacher working in Mexico‏‎ may need to have their degree certificate from home apostilled to prove that it is from an accredited public university. The...

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Background Checks in TEFL

You want to teach English. And you're not a hardened criminal, right? Of course not! But you may well need to prove this last fact to get a job. Many countries (though not all) ask prospective teachers to provide a valid Background Check when they apply for a teaching...

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Accreditation & TEFL Courses

There is currently NO independent, international board of accreditation or assessment for TEFL certificate providers. This means that each institute, school, or organization recognizes their own certificate and accreditation comes from good practice, professional...

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Spain – MoE

The Ministry of Education in Spain offers positions in state schools in Spain to US and Canadian teachers of English. The usual hiring period is from November to March for work beginning in mid-September. Each year about 2,000 American or Canadian teachers take...

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Which Degree to Teach English Abroad?

The basic usual teaching qualifications for the majority of TEFL‏‎ jobs are a degree and a 120hr TEFL Certificate. Although sometimes you can find work without a degree in some countries, this article looks at the type of degree which is best to have to teach English...

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PGCE‏‎ or TEFL for Teaching English Abroad

One frequently asked question is this: should I take a PGCE and/or a TEFL Certificate to teach English abroad? This article answers that question and offers the best advice on what you should do when you're given that choice. It looks at what the PGCE is, how they are...

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Racism in TEFL

Racism in Teaching English does occur to a greater or lesser extent in most countries. This article looks at racism in TEFL‏‎ outside English speaking countries; this is where it is most prevalent. Reactions to Foreigners In many countries foreigners can be the source...

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Careers in Teaching English

Careers in TEFL or TESOL are common. Many teachers start out in TEFL‏‎ as entry-level teachers in small schools around the world; some will stay a few years before going home and moving into a different field, but others will move on in TEFL. It is common assumption...

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Applying as a Couple to Teach English Abroad

It is sometimes the case that two people - partners, friends, a married couple, etc - will want to head abroad and find work together, if possible in the same school. Our advice is: do NOT apply to work in the same school. There are several important reasons for this:...

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TEFL Teaching English Online

Teaching English Online or Virtual English Teaching is a growing business. Essentially it means teaching students - usually 1-to-1‏‎ - from your own home and thus bypassing a school. With the advent of new technology and the prevalence of broadband internet (allowing...

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Do I need to Speak the Local Language to Teach Abroad?

One common question asked by people wanting to teach English abroad is, "Do I need to speak the local language?" "I'm going to teach English in Korea - do I need to speak Korean?" "I'm going to teach English in Greece - do I need to speak Greek?" "I'm going to teach...

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Culture Shock & Being Homesick

Culture Shock is the term used to describe the anxiety and stress people feel when they relocate to a new environment. It's most obvious when moving to a new country where habits, customs and language may be very different from the person's own country. Culture Shock...

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How to Choose a Good TEFL Course

The basic and most commonly requested qualification to teach English‏‎ abroad are a degree and a TEFL or TESOL Certificate. This article explains what they are and how to choose a good Course and Certificate. The TEFL Certificate is a short course which teaches the...

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