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Homographs are words which have the same spelling but different meanings. They may or may not have the same pronunciation. Here the word has the same spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings: bear – beə (a big animal living in Yellowstone park) bear...

Roots and English Words

A root is the very simplest form of a word without any affix‏‎es or changes. It cannot be made any smaller and is sometimes known as the base word. For example, take the word important. This consists of 3 parts: im (a prefix) + port (the root) + ant (a suffix]) So the...

Synonyms in English

A Synonym is a word which has almost exactly the same meaning as another word. For example: student – pupil old – ancient Note: Compare this with antonyms‏‎ which are words of opposite meanings. In English, there are no perfect synonyms. Two words may be...

A Word A Day

A Word A Day is a simple daily email which anyone can sign up to which sends out a word and definition each day which is useful to help enrich and enlarge vocabulary. For TEFL teachers it is ideal; with students it is perhaps better suited to advanced learners. The...


Homophones are words that sound the same but with very different meanings. The words are usually spelt differently or, if they are spelt the same, come from different roots. For example, the words may be spelt the same, such as rose (as in the flower) and rose (as in...