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Indefinite Article‏‎s in English Grammar

We use the Indefinite Article – a or an – when we talk about: jobs He is an artist and his wife is a plumber. beliefs He is a Buddhist and his wife is an atheist. nationalities He is an American and she is a Swede. We never use the indefinite article with...

Zero Article in English Grammar

The Zero Article does not exist. But it is very useful nonetheless. Talking about the zero article is useful when we’re describing how to use articles‏‎. But essentially when we talk about the zero article we mean that we do not use any article in front of a...

Articles‏‎ in English Grammar

There are three types of Articles in English‏‎. Put simply, we use articles to let people know what kind of noun we’re talking about. Take the word, fly, for example. If I just use the word on its own I’m speaking very generally. These flies are annoying...