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+39 347 378 8169


Passive Two Objects‏‎ in English Grammar

The most common sentence‏‎ structure in English‏‎ is SVO‏‎ or {subject} + {verb} + {object} Lucy + baked + a cake. As you can see, it has just one object. However, sometimes a sentence will have two objects which are known as the direct object and the indirect object:...

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The Story Telling Stick‏‎

The Story Telling Stick is a simple activity which you can use in your TEFL class to develop a story and get the whole class talking and listening. It's ideal for lower-intermediate level and upwards and can be used with both smaller and larger classes. Background...

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Teaching English in Dubai

Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates (the UAE), a federation of 7 small states or emirates in the The Middle East. For more information on teaching conditions in Dubai and the UAE, please visit: Teaching English in the UAE‏‎. Dubai Infographic In the meantime, if...

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Warmers‏‎ or Lesson Starters

Warmers‏‎ or Lesson Starters are quick activities used at the beginning of a lesson to get students warmed-up and ready to learn. They are useful to help students relax and feel comfortable in the classroom; they help promote a fun learning environment and can be a...

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Teaching English in Chile

In Chile the Ministry of Education is on a mission - at least on paper - to promote the teaching of the English language at all school levels, and steps have been taken to develop curricula and programs that will allow all Chileans to learn English from an early age....

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Adverbials‏‎ in English

Adverbials are adverbs, adverbial phrases or adverbial clauses which give us additional information about the time, place, or manner of the action described in the rest of the sentence. I had been reading my book quite happily on the sofa for half an hour, when my...

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D’oh! And Another Mistake!

This is an interesting idea for a lesson which helps with checking reading comprehension. It also introduces some good listening practice. After you have worked on a text with your class you will want to make sure they understand it. Quite simply you can read it back...

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